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Наше обещание вам

Обучение и сертификация тренеров — это больше, чем просто наш бизнес.

Это наше призвание.

Ведение бизнеса в современном мире требует честности, порядочности, обслуживания и преданности делу. Fowler International — это семейная компания, которой мы владеем и управляем. Мы не должны отчитываться перед акционерами или инвесторами. Вместо этого мы отвечаем перед вами, нашими студентами и нашими тренерами; и по этой причине мы даем вам следующие обещания:

  • We promise you will learn how to be a great coach in our twenty-hour Certified Professional Coach Course.

  • We promise we will not waste your time by subjecting you to “restless rhetoric”, academic theory or filler and fluff just to make the class longer and seem more valuable.

  • We promise you will find your training filled with practical and meaning information, proven coaching techniques, and professional coaching tools and exercises which you can immediately use to help your clients succeed.

  • We promise you will be completely prepared to easily pass our course exam.

  • We promise you will have access to our training videos and lessons for years to come without additional costs.

  • We promise you will receive ongoing support and encouragement from a team of professionals dedicated to your success.

  • We promise you will learn practical, real-world techniques of how to launch and grow your coaching business.

  • We promise you will not find any hidden or costly bad surprises with our all-inclusive tuition.

  • We promise that becoming a coach and helping others will change your life and the lives of those you coach.

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